3 Keys to Fitness Goal Setting

What do you want to achieve this year? You may have already thought of a few things you’d like to change this new year. Maybe you’d like to lose weight, run a 5k, or start working out. Now think about WHY you wanted to achieve those things. If you didn’t have an answer to that question that may be the reason you are struggling to succeed.

We understand how frustrating it is to feel stuck when you want to make a change. If you want to reach a goal, you need a clear destination, and a compelling reason why you are going there.

Recently we posted this video on our Facebook feed. In it, it shows an older gentleman who decides to start lifting a kettle-bell he finds in his garage. How often have you done something like this: started at a gym, or a new diet, and then quit. The difference? This man had a compelling reason WHY he wanted to lift that kettlebell! He struggled at first, but he was able to keep going because something greater was driving him. Watch until the end to see his WHY.

In the end, we see he is able to lift his granddaughter to put the star on their Christmas tree. Not only is this heartwarming, but it shows how fitness can help us live life on our own terms.

When there is a reason driving us to do what we do, we are more likely to stick with it to achieve our goals. His reason was to get strong so he could enjoy his life again: lift his granddaughter, feel strong, confident, and able to maintain his independence! This kept him going day after day. The same can be true for you!

3 Keys to Goal Setting

  1. Get specific: don’t be vague when setting your goal. Want to lose weight? Think about how much weight you want to lose, how many times you plan to workout per week, what you plan to change to make it all possible. The more vague we are, the less likely we will reach the goal, because the destination is unclear. You need a plan to get where you are going to go. If you don’t plug an exact address into the GPS, you are sure to get lost. Goal setting is no different.

  2. Know your WHY: not only is important to know your specific destination, but you also need to know WHY you are going there. Dig a little deeper. Yes, you may want to get back in shape, but WHY? Maybe you want to walk up the stairs without feeling winded, be able to bend over to tie your shoelaces, or like the man in the video feel strong enough to pick up your child or grandchild. When you have a reason behind what you are doing that goes deeper than the superficial, you are more likely to stick with your goal. You can load up a fire with sticks, but without oxygen it won’t spark. Breathe life into your goals by thinking through why you really want them in the first place.

  3. Set up a support system: having accountability and support is one of the best ways to set yourself up for success. Let your close friends and family know about your goals so that they can share in your wins and struggles. It will also be easier to stay on track if they are supportive of your new lifestyle. Outside of your support system at home, hiring a Personal Trainer can be a great way to ensure you are held accountable. Our trainers create a plan for your goals, help you get specific, and most importantly truly care. Wherever you are in your goal setting, having support will make a world of difference!

Are you ready to get serious about goal setting this year? Grab a piece of paper and write out your goal, get specific, think about why you want it, and who can help support you along the way. Not sure how to make a plan? We’re here to help! Give us a call at 434-984-2277 and we can set you up with a Complimentary Strategy Session with one of our Personal Trainers.

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