An Introvert’s Guide to Surviving the Gym.

If you're an introvert, going to the gym can take you out of your comfort zone. Seeing hordes of people lifting weights, attending group classes, working with personal trainers, and spotting each other can seem overwhelming, so much so that you may feel tempted to play it safe and stick to simple things like just jogging on the far treadmill away from the others. Or worse – you may be tempted to skip the gym altogether.

People often confuse introversion with shyness. But they are actually quite different:

  • An extrovert draws energy, inspiration, and motivation from the people around them.

  • An introvert draws energy, inspiration, and motivation from within themselves.

Shyness, at its core, is a fear of interacting with other people. So, both extroverts and introverts can exhibit shyness. But not all introverts are shy. In fact, many introverts have large groups of friends and enjoy exciting social engagements inside and outside of the gym. The difference is, an introvert may feel mentally exhausted after the social engagement, where an extrovert will feel invigorated from it.

That said, large group classes at a big gym might not be the best choice for an introvert. This is because the foundation of these classes is to draw energy and motivation from those around you. Group motivation classes work really well for extroverts. But an introvert may feel overwhelmed and mentally exhausted after one of these workouts.

The combination of physical fatigue and mental fatigue may lead introverts to believe that ALL group classes are not a good fit for them. But this is not the case. Instead, introverts will find more value from group classes that allow them to focus on their own internal energy for motivation.

Here is an introvert’s guide to surviving the gym:

It’s easy to imagine everyone is watching and judging you when you walk into the gym. The reality is that at least half the people in the gym are also introverts, and the remainder are likely more focused on their own workouts and appearance to notice what you’re doing. Finding a smaller gym, like Success Studio, can help you feel more comfortable, as you get to know the supprtive community around you!

Joining a smaller training group will help you feel more comfortable at the gym. We have two styles of group training at Success Studio - our Large Group Training has a maximum capacity of 12 people and our Semi-Private training has a maximum capacity of 4 people. Because of our smaller size, you will get to know familiar faces and build a supportive community.

If too much time working out in a group of people leaves you exhausted and unmotivated, try working with a fitness professional to come up with structured, more efficient workouts that give you more bang while you are in the gym. 

Find your favorite activities and stick with them. Mix up your fitness routine to build strength and endurance. Consider checking with a personal trainer to learn more about different fitness options, including weight training or yoga.

There’s no need for introverts to hide out at home any longer. Check in with a Success Studio fitness professional to develop a comfortable, effective fitness program that balances the need for ‘me time’ with healthier habits. Just click the button below.

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