Bill Burnett's Success Studio

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Get Your Butt In Gear!

Riding a stationary exercise bike is an efficient and effective way to burn calories and body fat while strengthening your heart, lungs, and muscles. Compared to some other types of cardio equipment, a stationary bicycle puts less stress on your joints, but it still provides an excellent aerobic workout. So if you want to get your butt in gear, read why the stationary bike is an important piece of gym equipment you should be using.

Whether you’re just starting out on your fitness journey or you’re now at a stage in your life where you’re well-advanced in achieving your health goals, indoor cycling is a great way to have fun while sweating out those stubborn calories and building your lower-body strength.

Cycling is an excellent way to get your heart pumping. Cardiovascular or aerobic workouts, such as cycling, strengthen your heart, lungs, and muscles. They also improve the flow of blood and oxygen throughout your body. This, in turn, can benefit your health in a number of ways, including: improved memory and brain functioning, lower blood pressure, better sleep, improved blood sugar levels, a stronger immune system, better mood, lower stress levels, and more energy.

A stationary bike workout is a low-impact exercise that uses smooth movements to strengthen bones and joints without putting much pressure on them. (Your ankles, knees, hips, and other joints can be put under a lot of stress when running, jogging, jumping, or doing other high-impact aerobic exercises.) This makes it a good workout option for people with joint issues or injuries.

Riding a stationary bike can help build strength in your legs and lower body, especially if you use a higher resistance. The pedaling action can help strengthen your calves, hamstrings, and quadriceps. Additionally, it can work the muscles in your core, back, and glutes. If you use a bicycle with handles, you’ll also be able to work your upper body muscles, including your biceps, triceps, and shoulders.

Depending on the intensity of your workout and your body weight, you can burn more than 600 calories per hour riding a stationary bike. This makes indoor cycling an excellent workout option for burning calories quickly, which, in turn, can lead to fat loss. A 2010 study found that indoor cycling, combined with a low-calorie diet, was effective in reducing body weight and body fat in the study’s participants. It was also effective in lowering cholesterol and triglyceride levels. The participants cycled for 45 minutes three times per week, and they consumed 1,200 calories per day for 12 weeks. Burning more calories than you consume is the key to weight loss.

Interval training allows you to alternate short bursts of intense exercise with longer intervals of less intense exercise. This type of training can help you burn more calories in less time, and also elevate your cardio fitness. Stationary bikes allow for varied resistance levels, so you can exercise at low, medium, or high intensities, making it ideal for an interval training workout.

Cycling outdoors can be a great way to exercise, but it does come with certain hazards, such as inattentive drivers, uneven or slick road surfaces, and poor visibility. Also, if it’s hot and humid, or cold and wet, it can be hard to muster up the motivation to head outdoors. It might not even be safe to do so. With indoor cycling, you don’t have to be concerned about traffic, road conditions, or the elements. You can work out safely at a comfortable temperature any time of the year.

Some folks dislike the feel of the stationary bike and prefer the riding in the great outdoors. That’s why Success Studio North offers its members access to the Technogym Skillbike. The Skillbike is the only stationary bike with a real gear shift that lets you experience the thrill and challenges of outdoor cycling. By shifting gears, you can counter the change in resistance, and maintain the correct power and cadence for maximum efficiency. The console displays the gear and gear ratio selections in real time. It also includes infinite virtual routes to explore, precise, valuable feedback to improve your power and efficiency, breathtaking races to enjoy with your friends, and much more. In a nutshell, Skillbike’s riding design reproduces the biomechanics of outdoor bicycles, so you can mimic the feel in the great indoors!

If you want to get your butt in gear, come to check out the Skillbike and all the other stationary bikes we have at Success Studio. Just click the button below to secure a time and our knowledgeable personal trainers will show you how they can help you to achieve your exercise goals.