Bill Burnett's Success Studio

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Benefits of Working Out as A Couple

While watching your partner get sweaty and gross at the gym may not be your first idea of a romantic activity, couples who work out together have much more fun than those who go it alone; most things in life are better when we do them together. We know workout buddies can make a huge difference to your training, so why not make your buddy your other half? Bringing your partner into your routine has incredible physical and emotional benefits – science says so. Let’s have a look at the facts.

1.   Your Partner’s Presence Boosts Your Energy Output

Simply having someone else present while you train will improve your effort and speed, whether you’re conscious of it or not. When we train alone, without the external push of a personal trainer or gym buddy, we often put up mental barriers to exercising harder or longer. Involve your partner and you introduce a sort of positive competitiveness – putting more effort into your workout than you may have done on your own.

2.    A Spiced-Up Routine

One of the main reasons people give up on working out alone is because it becomes a monotonous task after a while. Working out as a couple adds fun and excitement to the routine and transforms it from a chore you have to do to an event you can’t help but enjoy. It’s still important, however, to keep things fresh with new workouts and exercise regimens. That’s where personal training comes in. Personal trainers not only have countless exercises you can do together at the gym, they also can serve as your personal third-party “fun coordinator” when it comes to the workout itself.

3.    Accountability

Working out with your partner helps keep both of you accountable. If you tell your partner you don’t want to work out, the chances that they let you blow it off aren’t very high. You also don’t want to let your partner down, so you’re more likely to show up and work hard when you’re invested in each other’s success.

4.    Those Exciting Endorphins

While endorphins are released whether you work out alone or as a pair, more endorphins will be released when you’re with a partner. Why? You tend to smile more, which is an endorphin-releasing activity all its own. This elevation of mood is not only good for your fitness level, it also has a positive, long-term impact on your relationship with your significant other outside the studio as well. Being happy together keeps you together.

5.    Bonding

By coordinating your movements with your partner you experience a phenomenon called non-verbal matching (or mimicry), which helps you feel more attuned to your partner. Exercises such as clapping hands during a plank or running to the same rhythm have positive consequences. Though our brains may not consciously recognize it, non-verbal matching creates feelings of similarity and empathy, strengthening your bond to your partner. After all, nothing says “I trust you” like having someone keep you from dropping a barbell on your chest.

6.    Valentine’s Day Couples Special for Affordable Personal Training

If you or your partner have considered getting a personal trainer in the past—or even if you haven’t—this is the perfect time to pull the trigger! Valentine’s Day is almost here, and the Success Studio trainers are offering a special promotion for couples. Introducing Bring a Buddy week starting February 12th through February 17th. This is the perfect time for your friend, significant other, or coworker to try Success Studio out. Not only will we be offering free guest passes that week, but we will be hosting a special Valentine’s Day Partner Yoga! Email us at to sign up your buddy!

Working out together as a couple is the perfect way to get in shape, build your relationship, and save some money on your personal trainer. If you’re ready to start a tandem workout, click the button below for your complimentary consultation! We can’t wait to help you and your partner become the best version of yourselves!