Bill Burnett's Success Studio

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The Real Reason Why You Need a Strong Core

We’ve all seen those photos of the person with shredded abs. Forget the 6 pack abs, today we’re talking about true core strength. While you may find yourself lusting after a washboard stomach, the truth is that’s mostly superficial and has as much to do with diet as it does actual strength. Our core is about so much more and is responsible for our daily functioning.

Our core connects our upper and lower body. Whether you’re swinging your favorite sports racquet or vigorously sweeping the floor, your core is the origin of movement! When the core is weak, it affects the way the whole body works. A strong core holds us upright and provides stability and balance. Most importantly it will help you live life on your own terms. Are you wondering just how integral a strong core is to your daily life? Let’s take a look at how your core comes into play in everyday life!

Real World Benefits of Core Strength

Everyday acts.

Think about how many times in your daily life you bend over - to put on shoes, to pick up your children or grandchildren. What about turning to look behind you, sitting, or simply standing upright in one place — that’s right! These simple actions require our core to be strong. Over time if the core is weak, these actions may become painful and difficult! Even simple things like taking a shower or getting dressed ask our core to do some work. Keeping the core strong is a key component to maintaining independence and function as you age.

At Work

Do you lift, twist, or bend at work? Or maybe you sit at a desk all day - requiring your core to hold you upright. Without a strong core, our back muscles will have to take a lot of load, which will lead to low back pain… and speaking of low back pain….

For Low back pain

Four out of five Americans experience back pain at some point in their lives — and studies show this may be prevented by exercises that create a strong core. Core exercises are just one way to work toward alleviating and preventing low back pain to create a strong superstructure and strong, pain-free you!

Sports and Other Hobbies

Your favorite sports and hobbies require a strong core and you deserve to enjoy them for the longgame. Whether you are an enthusiast of golfing, tennis, biking, running, swimming, or any other athletic activity a strong core will allow you to have the strength and power to avoid injury.

Housework and Gardening

We know… not as fun as sports and hobbies, but housework, lawn-care, DIY projects, and even gardening ask our cores to work! These activities require the body to bend, lift, twist, carry, reach overhead — and all of these movements generate at the core!

Decrease Your Risk of Falling

Your core stabilizes your body, allows you to move forward and backward and sideways and stand upright in one spot without falling. A strong core will create stability and strength which describes your risk of falling and fall induced injuries.

Better Posture, Better Breath

Do you slouch? Chances are a weak core could be the culprit! Good posture allows you to breathe fully and takes pressure off the spine.

At the end of the day, a weak core will lead to lack of balance, pain, and loss of autonomy down the road as we grow weaker and less able to do daily tasks. Want to know how to strengthen your core? Email us Ivy or North to speak with our staff about the best plan for you

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